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Hatchling to an Adult

Vaishnavi Vaddiparthi

For a while, I’ve been nurtured and kept warm,
Secure and cozy unaware of my form.
Life inside the nutshell ,
Was pretty swell.

Although, now it was time to come out
As the shell cracked open ,I was blinded by the light which was candescent without doubt.
I gazed around perplexed , and suddenly I was picked up by a long beak,
My mother wrapped her wings around me , I couldn’t help but admire her physique!

She built us a nest with leaves and twigs,
Every morning at dusk she went to get us some food ,a few worms and some figs
While she was gone, I used to admire the pretty butterflies and the graceful swan,
Nature was so colorful I sighed with a yawn .

Each day I had a challenge to face,
I wanted to fly high like the others ,glide through the sky with grace.
I spent most of the day trying to learn,
Fell down each attempt ,well I’m not yet like the erne !

Ran away from the clutches of giant birds,
Kept my head up high and escaped herds,
My mother , although concerned , wanted me to be independent ,
What is life , without a few dents?

As I grew older , I finally got the hang of it ,
The feeling , as my wings flapped up and down, sure was lit.
The world from this point of view, was truly delightful,
I was finally free and no longer frightful.

It was now my turn to fetch us our meal,
How the tables have turned ,I wondered with zeal
Happy to be of assistance,
I was confident enough to fly for a long distance.

From being a mere hatchling,
To a fully grown bird ,now dazzling.
I’ve learnt a lot ,
How to live life and precisely how to not.
To exist in this world ,you need to be smart, Survival of the fittest , is a skillful art!

The cycle of life is the same ,
For a bird or a human irrespective of the phylum’s name.
To all those Aves out there,
Colorful , beautiful , long necked , unique and rare, I hope y’all are aware,
Of the gift we’ve got , we make nature prettier and the world a better place,
I for one , love everything about our kin , especially gliding and our pace!

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