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Holes in the umbrella
Krishaa Bhargava
Mr. Holmes, the crooker
walking on Street Brooker
bounced away for a game of snooker, in a huff and puff, he tsked-
“ Mmphh! Its gonna rain pretty bad. ”
and walked away to his club.
The thunder struck and brought windows musk;
burst then the clouds and cleared all doubts
about the crooker’s prediction.
The rain brought much dilapidation,
for there was no preparation.
The rain poured no. the rain crashed;
spreading rapidly like a newborn rash,
and towed all away.
Drowned in water, Drowned in screams,
yet no expression faltered;
the crooker, a bit brooder, brooded-
“ Sheesh! My umbrella had holes anyway. “
- Kai
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