Initiated in 1966 by Theatre Group Bombay, and named after their founder, the Sultan Padamsee Playwriting Awards have been among the most prestigious for English language dramatists in India. Past winners have included Gurcharan Das's Larins Saheb, Gieve Patel's Princes, Dina Mehta's The Myth Maker, Cyrus Mistry's Doongaji House, Ram Ganesh Kamatham's Ultimate Kurukshetra and Undaunted, Ramneek Singh's Parvati's Dark Children, and more. Since 2016, the biennial competition has been in partnership with Literature Live!
Come watch excerpts from the plays, and hear from this year's incredibly talented playwrights. The winners will be announced live at the Literature Live! 2024 Awards Ceremony.
17 November 2024
3:35 PM to 4:35 PM
Godrej Theatre
Performed excerpts from this year's shortlist, followed by a discussion with the playwrights
Bettina Gracias, Meera Sitaraman, Parashar Kulkarni, Ram Ganesh Kamatham
Chair: Ayesha Sayani